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Posts from the ‘Soils’ Category

Founders of Environmental Biophysics Series: John Monteith

We interviewed Gaylon Campbell, Ph.D. about his association with one of the fathers of environmental biophysics, John Monteith.

John Lennox Monteith

John Lennox Monteith,

Who was John Monteith?  

John Monteith was a professor at the University of Nottingham in England and one of the founders of modern environmental biophysics.  He pioneered the application of physical principles in the study of how plants and animals interact with their immediate environment.  He started his career at Rothamsted Experimental Station in Harpenden, England and was hired as professor at Nottingham in the early 1970’s.  He went on to spend time at the International Crops Research Institute for Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) in India.  He published a textbook that has been a foundation for Environmental Biophysics, called Principles of Environmental Physics.   He was elected a member of the Royal Society of London, which is the highest scientific distinction a person can receive in the UK.   He was also a member of the Royal Meteorological Society and was its president in 1978.  These societies are both sponsored by the crown, and he told me on the occasion that he was installed as the president of the Royal Meteorological Society, the queen attended and he sat by her at dinner.  He is known for the Penman-Monteith equation that has become the basis for guidelines for estimating irrigation water requirements used by the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations).

How did you meet him?

As an undergraduate, I knew of John because I worked for a professor at Utah State University (Sterling Taylor), who was measuring water potential in soil using thermocouple psychrometers. I was keenly interested in the subject, so Dr. Taylor gave me a paper on thermocouple psychrometers to read, published in 1958 by Monteith and Owen, written while John was at Rothamsted.   John’s work there was influential in developing instrumentation which formed the foundation for Wescor, METER, and several other companies.

When Prof. Monteith’s book came out, it was pretty exciting for me, because it had everything in it that I was trying to teach as a professor of Soil Science.  I wrote to John in 1977 inquiring about the possibility of doing a sabbatical there, and he wrote back immediately and arranged for us to come.  Amazingly, he and his technician met our big family at Heathrow airport and loaded up the whole crew, including our many duffel bags, into a university minibus.  A couple of our bags were missing, and John picked them up from the railway station in Nottingham and delivered them to us the next day.  I have often marveled that such a busy and important man would take the time to care for us like that.

Yellow Sunflower

A sunflower field in Karnataka, India

What was he like as a colleague?

He was a humble man in a lot of ways.  After he passed away, one of his colleagues wrote in and told about some of the experiences he’d had with John in India.  India has a pretty hierarchical society, and it’s not uncommon for somebody who is in a position of authority to take advantage of that.  John was in charge of one of the big groups within ICRISAT, and the thing that impressed his colleague was that whoever came into John’s office was treated with great respect, whether it was the cleaning person or the lab technician.  If they had come to see him, they got the same treatment and the same respect that the director of the lab got.

We worked on a lot of projects together, but the proposal we submitted that was funded was one on improving thermocouple psychometry.  I wrote up the paper, but he had written the proposal and provided the funding for the work.  I put him down as an author on the paper, and when I got ready to submit it, he went over the paper just as if he were an author and then crossed his name out.  He said he hadn’t contributed enough.  Well, he contributed way more than most authors do, but he had a set of standards that he expected himself to meet and his contributions to that paper hadn’t met those standards. He was pretty amazing that way.

How did he get to be a part of the Penman-Monteith Equation?

Penman was head of the research group at Rothamsted Experimental Station which Monteith joined, following graduation. Penman was already an established researcher by the time Monteith got there, and the Penman equation was already well known. But, Monteith worked with that equation, and in my opinion, improved it substantially. He never wanted to take credit for that. He always claimed that Penman already understood the things he had added, and he never did call it a Penman-Monteith equation, always referring to it as the Penman equation. But I have never read things of Penman’s that indicated that he had anywhere near the depth of understanding of the equation that Monteith had. To my way of thinking, it’s completely appropriate that his name is associated with it.

What was John’s secret to accomplishing all he did, and how can scientists today emulate his meaningful career?  

His gift was the gift of clear thinking. I gave a talk about him a while ago entitled “Try a Straight Line First.” John hated the complexity of modern computer models for crop growth because he couldn’t easily see the end from the beginning in those models.  He had the ability to look at a problem, no matter how complex, and just reach in and grab the essence of that problem and show it to you.  He used to talk about Occam’s Razor and not multiplying complexity. Einstein was supposed to have said, “Everything should be as simple as possible, but not simpler.”  John was always able to find a simple way to look at problems.  It may have been a complex process to get there, but once he was done, you had something that you could manipulate.  I think simplicity and uncluttered thinking would be the thing to emulate.

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Learn to Measure Water Potential at a Bodentag

One of the best parts of my job is the opportunity I get to teach others about the science and technique of measurement. For more than 10 years, I have participated in seminars and workshops all over the world to do just that.  But, a couple of months ago, I had my first opportunity to work with my good friend Georg von Unold (METER Ag) to do a Bodentag workshop, German-style.  I learned a lot from my experience, and I think the participants did as well.


UMS’s Georg von Unold with his backhoe, digging a permanent soil observation pit in the Black Forest

A Bodentag (meaning “soil day” in German) is an unusual opportunity for the attendees to get practical hands-on teaching and training from the people who understand soil and environmental instrumentation.  In a typical conference, you will not get a chance to do things under field conditions.  Instead of sitting in a conference room all day, a Bodentag starts with presentations to set the stage with the theory and principles of measurement, but quickly moves to the lab and field to get the participant’s hands dirty.  With the diversity of measurements required for today’s multidisciplinary research, there is great value in structured field installation familiarity.

Our trip to Freiburg was a great example of how a Bodentag works.  Preparation started early in the morning the day before as Georg used his large Mercedes Sprinter van full of equipment to tow his Bobcat excavator for more than five hours on our drive from Munich.  When we got there, we were directed to a nearby site in the Black Forest where we used the excavator to dig a permanent soil observation pit (Georg’s gift to the institute there), complete with a stairwell that allowed people to go and inspect the pit face and install sensors. We prepared other stations to get people to install soil sensors with minimum impact, cut out intact soil columns for a field lysimeter, and remove intact soil cores.


Georg standing in the finished soil observation pit

The day of Bodentag, participants listened to two hours of lecture/presentations in the morning followed by both lab and field practicum sessions. During the field practicum, attendees could do actual installations of sensors into pit faces. This was useful because there were several researchers there who had Black Forest research sites, and they could look at and ask questions about the challenges of the rocky soil pervasive in that region. We used augers to dig holes to install Decagon sensors so everyone could see how that was done. Georg had one of his Smart Field Lysimeters out there and did a half-field installation. He showed them how to dig the Smart Field Lysimeter down into the soil, scrape the soil off, and actually collect a monolith right there.

After the outdoor practicum session, we went back to the lab where we broke up into small groups. There, people had an opportunity to go see laboratory instrumentation while learning some best practices for making measurements. In mine, people were using the WP4C water potential instrument to figure out the permanent wilting point of the soil that we brought. Attendees also got some careful training on the Hyprop to measure the wet end of the moisture release curve as well as learning about the KSAT, a METER instrument which measures saturated hydraulic conductivity. Because Bodentag is an opportunity to share ideas, we also got a chance to see the multi-step outflow instrumentation developed over the past 20 years by the Forest Research Center there in Freiburg that they use to create soil moisture characteristic curves.


2014 Bodentag attendees

At the end of the day, everyone was exhausted, and we still had a five-hour drive left to get back to Munich.  But, everyone had a great time, and the students and researchers who were there learned enough so they could be confident when using an instrument to get the data they need in an experiment. It was a unique opportunity for me to see how to put together a great educational experience, and I am excited to try one here in the U.S. sometime soon: especially if I can run the excavator again!

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Sneak Peek: Remote Sensing in Commercial Agriculture: Perspective on Innovations

Dr. Christopher Lund is a research scientist and product manager for METER’s new irrigation management instrumentation group. He has more than a decade of experience working with land surface flux measurements, terrestrial water budgets, and soil-vegetation-atmosphere transfer scheme modeling. Prior to joining METER, he served as a research scientist on the NASA-CSUMB SIMS (Satellite Irrigation Management Support) Project, a multi-year collaboration between the California Department of Water Resources, NASA, and CSU Monterey Bay providing California growers with novel irrigation decision support tools. Dr. Lund’s current research focuses on developing cost-effective irrigation management instrumentation for commercial markets. Dr. Lund will be giving a talk on innovations in agricultural remote sensing at the Third Professional Workshop on Technology For Irrigation Scheduling.  He will talk about his work with the SIMS team and what growers can do with remote sensing data to estimate things like evapotranspiration.  He’ll also address how to improve those estimates by combining them with field measurements from ground based instrumentation such as soil moisture sensors.

remote sensing in commercial agriculture

Image: USGS Landsat Project Website

“The advantage of satellite remote sensing is that it allows you to look at many fields at once and also integrate across spatial variability.  The down side is it doesn’t give you access to everything you might want for irrigation management, so there are certain things you have to measure on the ground.  When it comes to remote sensing data and ground measurements, I don’t think it’s an either/or situation.  I think the future is hybrid products utilizing both remote sensing and ground based measurements,” he says.

He will also speak on how satellite derived NDVI data can benefit from new inexpensive ground based-sensors like the SRS.  This enables scientists to make sure that their satellite NDVI data accurately reflect what’s happening on the ground.

The seminar will be held at the Third Professional Workshop On Technology For Irrigation Scheduling on February 11, 2015 at the CREA auditorium, Calle Jose Galan Merino Sevilla, Spain.

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Modeling Available Soil Moisture

Both the amount and the availability of water in soil is important to plant roots and soil-dwelling organisms. To describe the amount of water in the soil we use the term water content. To describe the availability we talk of water potential. In thermodynamics, the water content would be referred to as the extensive variable and the water potential as the intensive variable. Both are needed to correctly describe the state of water in soil and plants.

Measuring soil moisture with the WP4C

Measuring soil moisture with the WP4C

In addition to describing the state of water in the soil, it may also be necessary to know how fast water will move in the soil. For this, we need to know the hydraulic conductivity. Other important soil parameters are the total pore space, the drained upper limit for soil water, and the lower limit of available water in a soil. Since these properties vary widely among soils, it would be helpful to establish correlations between these very useful parameters and easily measured properties such as soil texture and bulk density. This paper will present the information needed for simple models of soil water processes.

Click here to download the paper.

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Measuring Osmotic Sap Water Potential

Sometimes networking with new scientists at conferences and workshops can pay dividends in terms of new ideas. Steve Garrity and I recently attended and taught practicum sessions at the PEPg (Plant Environmental Physiology group) Ecophysiology Workshop. The mission of this workshop was twofold: to invite the world experts on plant physiology measurements to come and lecture, and to invite the manufacturers to teach about instrumentation and provide hands-on training.


Workshop participants check the water potential of soil with a UMS T5 mini-tensiometer.

With three sessions per day using METER instrumentation and only two of us, neither Steve nor I could teach about leaf water potential using the WP4C chilled mirror dew point instrument. So, we asked another scientist who is an expert in plant water relations to teach it for us.  Not only did he do a great job of teaching about measuring leaf water potential using a hygrometer, but he also inspired us to take another look at how to make this measurement as we learned about its importance to his research (to learn more about how to do this, watch our virtual seminar).


He’s developed a procedure where you can freeze the leaf and break all of the cells so you are left with the cell water (the symplastic water).

Later in the conference, this same scientist gave a talk about the importance of osmotic potential.  He’s developed a procedure where you can freeze the leaf and break all of the cells so you are left with the cell water (the symplastic water).  He was able to squeeze that sap out and test it in a thermocouple psychrometer, where he established a relationship between how tolerant plants are for drought and what their osmotic sap water potential (turgor loss point) was. We have made many of those sap measurements but had not used them in this manner. That’s really interesting to us at METER because we were unaware of this relationship, and we have now found another use for osmotic potential measurements in leaves.

We would never have realized this new idea without the help of our colleague.  Meeting with other scientists at conferences and talking over ideas can be really important.  Have you ever struck gold in terms of coming up with new ideas for research, funding, or inventing new research tools at a conference you’ve attended?

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Dr. Gaylon S. Campbell Author Interview

METER’s founder, Dr. Gaylon S. Campbell was born in Blackfoot, Idaho, and grew up on a dry farm in Juniper, Idaho.  He went to school in Logan, Utah, finally attending Utah State University where he received a B. S. in Physics in 1965 and an M. S. in Soil Physics in 1966.  He was granted a Ph. D. in Soil Physics from Washington State University in 1968.  He became an officer in the U. S. Army in 1969, doing meteorological research at White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico.  In 1971 he returned to Washington State University as Assistant Professor of Biophysics and Assistant Soil Scientist.  There he taught and did research in Environmental Biophysics and Soil Physics until 1998.  Since 1998 he has worked as vice president, engineer, and scientist at Decagon Devices, Inc (now METER).  He has written three books, over 100 refereed journal articles and book chapters, and has several patents.  Today we are interviewing him about his book, An Introduction to Environmental Biophysics.

Gaylon S. Campbell

Dr. Campbell is the author of An Introduction to Environmental Biophysics

Where did you get the knowledge to write the book?

I was hired to teach Environmental Biophysics at Washington State University in 1971, and when I looked around for a textbook to go with the class, there weren’t any that fit very well.  I knew what I wanted to teach in the class, and some of the principles were in books that were available, but a lot weren’t.  So I started writing up notes to hand out to the students and then improved them over time.

One of the important sources of knowledge for my book was John Montieth’s book, Principles of Environmental Physics.  Its first edition came out in 1973. It’s a wonderful book.  I didn’t know about it until one of my students brought it into class and let me borrow it overnight.

I went home and started reading it.  I read it all night, and by morning I’d finished it.  I have read some novels that could keep me awake all night, but that’s the only science book I ever read that could do it.

I was really excited about his approach because it was perfect for what I wanted to do in the class. However, it was at a different level than I needed, so I went ahead and developed my own notes, but his book certainly was an important source.

Gaylon S. Campbell

I started writing up notes to hand out to the students and then improved them over time.

How difficult was it to understand the theory behind what you were writing about?

When I’d take a class in school, I felt like I never understood what was in that class until I attended the next class.  Then when I got a bachelor’s degree, I thought, I hope nobody expects me to know something just because I have this degree, because I don’t feel like I know anything.  I hoped when I earned a masters degree that it would be better, but I got there and thought, oh boy, I still don’t know anything.  It was probably when I took my prelim exam that I finally felt confident enough that I could be a soil physicist if I had to.

But I was wrong about that.  I really didn’t understand physics very well, even then.  It was when I had to teach it that the real understanding came.  When I understood it well enough to lecture about it was when I felt like I had really mastered the theories and understood them at the level that I wanted to.

I suppose that came one piece at a time.  In the beginning, I certainly didn’t understand things as well as I did later on.  And that still happens today.  I learn things that I hadn’t understood before.  So I guess when you ask how hard it was:  it was an ongoing process. Even when somebody’s already laid it out for you, it doesn’t mean you’re going to understand it.  But when you lecture about it and write about it, those are the processes that help to deepen your knowledge and understanding.

Gaylon S. Campbell

When you lecture about a subject and write about it, those are the processes that help to deepen your knowledge and understanding.

The subject is extremely complicated, but people are always saying how easy it is to understand environmental biophysics from your book.  How did you bring it down to the level of the students?

When I was in the Army, the philosophy they had was, “If the student hasn’t learned, the teacher hasn’t taught.”  That was not the philosophy that you normally encountered at the university.  Many professors complained often about how lousy their students were.  I never found it to be that way.  I always thought my students were getting better and better.

I think it comes down, to some extent, to the philosophy the teacher has.  We often see teachers come in and fill the board with equations and wonder why their students don’t understand them.  But it’s likely the teacher hasn’t looked at it from the standpoint of the students.  The student is going to gain understanding by the same path the teacher did.   Professors work and work to put together a wonderful picture of things, and once they have that wonderful picture, they tend to want to dump the whole thing on the student.  But students can’t assimilate the whole picture all at once.  They have to go step by step too.

If people wanted to learn from your book, what is the best way to get the principles down?

It’s no accident that there are lots of both worked examples and problems for students to solve.  I don’t think you can learn physics without solving problems, and so the best way to do it is to look through the ones that we’ve solved in the book and then look through the problems we give at the end of the chapters and solve them.  That, I think, is the best way to get there.

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Despite Drawbacks, Scientific Collaboration Pays Off

Though collaboration can fuel innovation and increase the relevance and complexity of the scientific questions we study, I’ve noticed it does have its ups and downs.  The highs and lows we’ve run into on our research projects may help others avoid some of the pitfalls we experienced as many diverse groups tried to learn how to work together.


Researchers discussing science at the Lytle Ranch Preserve, a remarkable desert laboratory located at the convergence of the Great Basin, Colorado Plateau, and Mojave Desert biogeographical regions.

There can be bumps in the road when collaborating with companies who want to test their product. Being at the forefront of innovation means that untested sensors may require patience as you work out all the bugs together. But from my perspective, this is part of the fun.  If we are late adopters of technology, we wouldn’t get to have a say in creating the sensors that will best fit our projects as scientists.

Collaborating scientists can also sometimes run into problems in terms of the stress of setting up an experiment in the time frame that is best for everyone.  During our experiment on the Wasatch Plateau, we had six weeks to get together soil moisture and water potential sensors, but our new GS3 water content, temperature, and EC sensors had never been outside of the lab. In addition, we planned to use an NDVI sensor concept that came out of a workshop idea my father Gaylon had.  We’d made ONE, and it seemed to work, but that is a long way from the 20 we needed for a long-term experiment in a remote location at 3000 meters elevation. In the end, it all worked out, but not without several late nights and a bit of luck.  I remember students holding jackets over me to protect me from the rain as I raced to get the last sensor working.  Then we shut the laptop and ran down the hill, trying to beat a huge thunderstorm that started to pelt the area.


Desert-FMP Researchers at the Lytle Ranch Preserve

Other challenges of scientific collaboration present organizational hardships.  One of the interesting things about the interdisciplinary science in the Desert FMP project is the complexity of the logistics, and maybe that’s a reason why some people don’t do interdisciplinary projects.  We are finding in order to get good data on the effects of small mammals and plants you need to coordinate when you are sampling small mammals and when you’re sampling plants.  Communicating between four different labs is complicated.  Each of the rainout shelters we use cover an area of approximately 1.5 m2 .  That’s not a lot of space when we have two people interested in soil processes and two people interested in plants who all need to know what’s going on underneath the shelter.  Deciding who gets to take a destructive sample and who can only make measurements that don’t change the system is really hard.  The interesting part of the project where we’re making connections between processes has required a lot of coordination, collaboration, and forward-thinking.

In spite of the headaches, my colleague and I continue to think of ways we can help each other in our research.  Maybe we’re gluttons for punishment, but I think the benefits far outweigh the trouble we’ve had.  For instance, in the above-mentioned Desert FMP project we’ve been able to discover that small mammals are influential in rangeland fire recovery (read about it here).  We only discovered that piece of the puzzle because scientists from differing disciplines are working together.  In our Wasatch Plateau project, my scientist colleague said it was extremely helpful for him to be working with an instrumentation expert who could help him with setup and technical issues.  Also, we’ve been able to secure some significant grants in our Cook Farm Project (you can read about it in an upcoming post) and answer some important questions that wouldn’t have occurred to either one of us, if we hadn’t been working together.  In addition, solving problems that have cropped up in our projects has spurred us on to a new idea for analyzing enormous streams of data in near-real time.  (read about it here).

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TDR versus Capacitance or FDR

When we talk with scientists at conferences they often want to know the difference between TDR versus capacitance or FDR.  We’ve written a paper about this in our app guide that has been pretty popular, but it can be difficult to find on our website. Here is an introduction and a link if you are interested in learning more.

TDR Sensor Installation (Giulio Curioni, School of Civil Engineering, Univ. of Birmingham)

TDR Sensor Installation (Giulio Curioni, School of Civil Engineering, Univ. of Birmingham)

Capacitance and TDR techniques are often grouped together because they both measure the dielectric permittivity of the surrounding medium. In fact, it is not uncommon for individuals to confuse the two, suggesting that a given probe measures water content based on TDR when it actually uses capacitance.


10HS capacitance sensor

With that in mind, we will try to clarify the difference between the two techniques. The capacitance technique determines the dielectric permittivity of a medium by measuring the charge time of a capacitor, which uses that medium as a dielectric. We first define a relationship between the time, t, it takes to charge a capacitor from a starting voltage, Vi , to a voltage V, with an applied voltage, Vf.  Read more….

Watch the webinar

In this webinar, Dr. Colin Campbell discusses the details regarding different ways to measure soil moisture and the theory behind the measurements.  In addition, he provides examples of field research and what technology might apply in each situation. The measurement methods covered are gravimetric sampling, dielectric methods including TDR and FDR/capacitance, neutron probe, and dual needle heat pulse.


Take our Soil Moisture Master Class

Six short videos teach you everything you need to know about soil water content and soil water potential—and why you should measure them together.  Plus, master the basics of soil hydraulic conductivity.

Watch it now—>

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New Applications in Archeology for TDR Probes Measuring Water Content

Recently, I spent a day at the University of Birmingham in the UK where I talked with Dr. Nicole Metje and researchers in the Civil Engineering department.  They are working on a project called, “Mapping the Underworld,” (Curioni G., Chapman D.N., Metje N., Foo K.Y., Cross J.D. (2012) Construction and calibration of a field TDR monitoring station. Near Surface Geophysics, 10, 249-261) where they are using TDR probes to help locate buried objects that require maintenance.

tdr probes

University of Birmingham Clock Tower

Currently, people use rudimentary tools to poke around and figure out where the buried object is.  A more effective high-tech solution is GPR (Ground Penetrating Radar) that is pulled over the top of the soil and creates a 2D image of permittivity below the ground surface.  The problem is GPR only provides relative depth information and must have ancillary data to produce actual values. To address this issue, their group uses TDR probes (time domain reflectometry) which measure dielectric permittivity to ground truth the GPR.  Using this method they hope to be able to predict the depth to anomalies that are observed in the 2D GPR output.

tdr probes

Sensor Installation Pit

After working on this for some time, the engineers at the University of Birmingham continue to deal with challenges related to TDR signal, interpretation, and maintenance.  One challenge is that TDR systems are complex and power hungry. Thus, the researchers were interested in learning more about soil moisture sensing and different technologies that would help them meet their project goals. My first inclination was to solve their problem with water potential sensors.  Many people who work in environmental applications want to know the fate and distribution of water where water potential is the driver.  Interestingly, this is one of the few cases where people actually do need permittivity measurements (the value used to derive volumetric water content, VWC) instead of water potential because they use the actual permittivity signal to ground truth the GPR.  This realization spawned a four-hour discussion on the frontiers of permittivity measurement in soil and the use of advanced analysis techniques to tease out important soil properties such as bulk density, electrical conductivity, and mineralogy.

I hadn’t given much thought to using soil science instrumentation to locating buried infrastructure.  I’m excited to see what the combination of a new technology like GPR and dielectric measurement can do to help us solve everyday problems like where to start digging.

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Near Real-Time Data Analysis

We are entering an era of cheap data.  Sensor technology has advanced to the point where it has become easy to collect large amounts of measurement data at high spatiotemporal resolution.

real-time data analysis

Hydroserver map screen: Using an off-the-shelf open source informatics system like Hydroserver kept us from reinventing what’s already out there, but allowed flexibility to program to our own needs.

We are now to the point where we have gigabytes worth of data on soil moisture, plant canopy processes, precipitation, wind speed, and temperature, but the amount of data is so overwhelming that we are having a difficult time dealing with it. The cost of measurement data is dropping so quickly, people are forced to change from a historical mindset where they analyzed individual data points to the mindset of turning gigabytes of data into knowledge.

real-time data analysis

Because Bioinformatics students are used to working with DNA data, they understand how to write computer programs that analyze large amounts of data in near real-time.

One approach suggested by my colleague Rick Gill, a BYU Ecologist, is to collaborate with bioinformatics students.  Because they are used to working with DNA data, these students understand how to write computer programs that analyze large amounts of data in near real-time.  Rick came up with the idea to tap these students’ expertise in order to analyze the considerable information he anticipates collecting in our Desert FMP Project, an experiment which will use TEROS 21 and SRS sensors to determine the role of varying environmental and biological factors involved in rangeland fire recovery.

Rick and I are predicting that near real-time data analysis will give us several advantages. First, we need readily available information so we can tell that sensors and systems are working at the remote site.  Large gaps in data are common for sites that aren’t visited often, and sensor failures are missed when data are collected but never analyzed.  With our new approach, all data are databased instantly, and the results are visualized as we go.  Not only that, we’ll be able to control what’s being analyzed as we see what’s happening.  We can tell the bioinformatics students what we need as we begin to see the results come in.  If we see important trends, we can assign them to analyze new data that may be relevant right away.

These techniques have the potential to help scientists from all disciplines become more efficient at collection and analysis of large data streams. Although we’ve started the process, we have yet to determine its effectiveness.  I will post more information as we see how well it is working and as new developments arise.

Watch Dr. Gill’s data analysis webinar: Finding Insights in Big Data Sets

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