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7 Weather Station Installation Mistakes to Avoid

Rookie mistakes that ruin your research

Ever spent hours carefully installing your weather station in the field and then come back only to discover you made mistakes that compromised the installation? Or worse, find out months later that you can’t be confident in the quality of your data?

Image of a researcher installing an ATMOS 41 all-in-one weather station
Installing ATMOS 41 Weather Stations

Our scientists have over 100 years of combined experience installing sensors in the field, and we’ve learned a lot about what to do and what not to do during an installation.

Best practices for higher accuracy

Join Dr. Doug Cobos in this 40-minute webinar as he discusses weather station installation considerations and best practices you don’t want to miss. Learn:

  • General siting and installation best practices
  • Installation recommendations from WMO and other standards organizations
  • Common installation mistakes
  • How to identify installation mistakes in your data
  • Microclimate variability and how to pick a representative location
  • Troubleshooting at the site
  • Types of metadata you should always collect

Register now

More resources

Explore which weather station is right for you.

Learn more about measuring the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum.

Download the researcher’s complete guide to soil moisture—>

Download the researcher’s complete guide to water potential—>

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